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Artist Statement for Photography
Photography is a portable medium that allows me to capture light and abstraction into artistic images everywhere I go. Using natural elements of water, sky and trees, I use available light combined with long camera exposures to make painterly photographic compositions that have a unique rhythm and pacing. I love exploring the abstraction that occurs in an ecologically-pristine environment such as swampy black swirls that melt into the surface of a lily pad, or a remote beach with few human imprints. Travels to Costa Rica, Mallorca, Versailles, as well as domestic life in rural upstate New York have become important to both the subject-matter of the images as well as the artistic vision that informs my work.
Following in the steps of Gustave LeGray, I shoot film and collaborate with a master printer to carefully handcraft each photograph as a limited-edition print. I am influenced by the work of Stanley Greenberg, Emmet Gowin and Sally Mann, and continue to explore the exciting interface of traditional photographic techniques combined with modern visual imagery.